How did I miss this one? It’s apparently been in Safari for a while, but all I usually get when right clicking on a page is the view source command. But I’d activated the debugging options in this user account a while ago trying to sort out a problem and the tools weren’t this sophisticated at the time.
Hint: defaults write IncludeDebugMenu 1
I was just checking to see if the Google Analytics javascript file was getting picked up properly by the wikiserver after I upgraded to 10.5.5 and right clicking didn’t give me back a view source option, but rather an “Inspect element” command where the View source option usually lives.
This brings up an exceedingly useful inspector that shows you all of the components of the web page all arranged in a useful manner.A quick look showed that there was an error with the way the file was being loaded and it turns out that I’d copied in the script with the html code which is not required by the wikiserver when loading local files directly.
There’s even a nice little element browser.Too cool.