Reflections on Please fix the iPhone

I was just forwarded this site and think that it’s an excellent means of communicating to Apple the relative interest of various features for future development. That said, here are some of my thoughts on the top elements from the site. > Lack of MMS support. People laugh at my iPhone because its the only phone since 2002 that can’t send or receive picture messages. Why am I ashamed to have the most advanced mobile hardware in the world?

People. Do you really really want to give more money to your service provider? SMS and MMS are the most amazing form of ripoff ever inflicted upon consumers. And you’re complaining about this on a phone that comes with an unlimited data plan so that you can send as many emails as you want?OK - I can see that MMS is good for those people who’s circle of friends and family don’t have or use computers, but at least stick to SMS for communications requiring immediacy and email for anything larger. > Ability to sync without any wires or bluetooth. Why is this USB cable needed for something we have bandwidth for through Wifi, 3G, etc.?

Hmm - we’re already most of the way there. Currently, my contacts, mail, calendar, applications and iTunes purchases are synced over the air. The only thing left out at the moment is media content from iTunes and it appears that we’ll be getting live podcasts with the next release which would make sense, being the most volatile of media content. What else would be a big deal here? > Copy and paste.

Yes, that would be nice, but I still have yet to see a user interface metaphor that is well adapted, intuitive and doesn’t conflict with existing gestures. So far the only one that seems to be useful is the double-tap and hold, but this only really works for text. Do we need a full fledged object clipboard, or would everyone be happy with just text copy and paste?OK - I voted for this one. > Be able to write text messages in landscape mode.

Is this really that big of a deal? And it’s number 4 in the list? Wow, if this is the sort of thing that people see as their major annoyances, no wonder the iPhone is doing well. > Ability to view Flash content in Safari.

Don’t go there. It’s not going to happen for a whole slew of reasons. Note to self - write an article on why Flash isn’t going to come to the iPhone any time soon or even later. > Fix the browser crashes.

Point - it would be nice if there were a mobile browser that was truly bulletproof, but so far my experience with most of the competition is that the Mobile Safari holds its own in terms of quality and stability. But it ought to be better - get a vote. > Make the entire screen clickable when I take a picture. Not just the tiny button that is impossible to locate when you try to take a picture of you and your friends. Or maybe make the volume button the shutter button?

Hmm - the problem hasn’t presented itself (maybe I need more friends). How about a self-timer mode that responds to hearing people yelling “Cheese”? > Unwanted standard iPhone application icons can’t be hidden. I’m never going to check stocks.

This one does make sense. Gets a vote, although my votes are more leaning towards a more efficient application management scheme since 4x4 screens are rapidly overloaded given the plethora of really neat applications out there. > Video recording.

Whatever. That would be cool the next time I happen to be in front of a bank heist and want to send the footage into the newswire, but I’m afraid that my life isn’t exciting enough to justify making this a priority. Plus there’s really no point until the hardware comes with some kind of built-in flash or lighting solution. > When working with multiple pages in Safari on iPhone, previously loaded pages are sometimes reloaded when you navigate back to them. A setting to increase Safari’s cache limits would be useful especially for ajax web apps, like google reader, that force you to start from the beginning when they are reloaded.

Wow - that’s a damn specific issue to make it’s way up to the top 10 things to add or fix. And I agree with it. What I find interesting here are the quality and specificity of the issues that are put forth here. It’s not (despite certain articles to the contrary) fix basic services like mail and web, but rather correct very specific behaviors to make them perfect instead of just OK.Contrast some of these against the HTC G1 where all of your typing has to be done in landscape mode since the sliding keyboard requires it.

Note to the webmaster - do you reset the counts after each firmware release? It would be cool to have multiple date stamped versions or views showing the progress of the votes, and the consequent progress of the features…