The Mac Mini is definitively not dead

Sigh - why oh why is Apple doing this to me?

One after the other, they’re launching products that I really want over a very short time period. First the iPad, then the iPhone 4 and now a Mac Mini upgrade with all of the features I’ve been waiting for: built-in HDMI, easy access to the memory, even more elegant design. My budget hurts.

There’s only one thing really wrong with this picture and that’s the European pricing. In France, the new Mini starts at 799€, whereas the US price is $699. Even when you consider that the 799€ is taxes included, the difference is still striking. It looks like European customers are really getting the short end of the stick again, but this time it’s even more flagrant. At least in previous iterations, the published price aligned with the dollar number, but over by 100€ out of the gate is really painful.